Thursday, March 26, 2015

My Mind's Eye Find Your Wings & Fly Wedding Layout

Today I'm sharing a wedding themed layout I created for a local scrapbook store challenge.

For this page challenge we were each given the following:

  • (1) chipboard key
  • 18 inches of jute cording
  • (1) My Mind's Eye 12x12 Sky's The Limit patterned paper
  • (1) Fancy Pants 12x12 coral corrugated paper

The rules for this challenge are that we must use a little bit of everything no matter how small it may be. We are free to mix in anything else of our choice.  I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to use some seriously old label stickers, flowers, brads and alphas from my stash!

I admit it. I'm a pack rat (aka hoarder) when it comes to parting with older papers and embellishments that I still love, but never got around to even opening.  Unfortunately it can feel overwhelming at times so it was fun going on a hunt in search of the perfect finishing touches for this one.

The heavy jute was a serious challenge for me to mix in with what was turning out to be a girly & romantic layout.  I decided to create a rosette by coiling it on a punched out circle with some liquid glue and a floral brad for the center.  It may not have been my first choice, but in the end I think it works and it was definitely fun getting outside my comfort zone.

If I'm being honest, the coral corrugated paper was hard for me too.  I started by die cutting my title with it, but it felt too bright with the other corals in my papers.  In the end I die-cut a flower and layered it with several other silk and paper flowers to help tone it down.  I actually like it now.  :)

For my title I paired the family cutting file with some ancient Making Memories alphas from their Noteworthy collection.  Do you remember that one?  I was so in love with that line when it came out in 2009 and yes, mine were still brand new in their package.

I still had that pesky key to incorporate so I decided to ink it up with some chalk ink and tie it around the letter S with some matching embroidery floss.

Well, there you have it.  Wouldn't it be fun to challenge ourselves to use random supplies from our own stash once a month?!  Not only would it make a dent in what we already have on hand, but I'm always amazed at the magic that happens when I am stretched creatively!

Thanks for hanging with me today.  :)

Supplies similar to the ones I used (available at Simon Says Stamp)

Supplies similar to the ones I used (available at


  1. Very pretty layout! I really love the papers so much.... they take me back... vintage looking and so soft... Love how you did the jute ... so pretty!!!

  2. What a fun thought - to stretch ourselves by shopping in our own stashes - once a month!! Super fun idea!! This layout just confirms to me that you can do any style - this one is elegant and classy with lots of florals and fussing!! So amazed at you and your wide range of styles and talents!! Just know someone in Orem thinks you are AWESOME!!!!
