Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bella Blvd. Tiny Tots Cards ~ Day 1

Hello there!  How are you guys doing today?  I have been playing up a storm with my Tiny Tots collection by Bella Blvd. this month and I thought I would start by sharing a few of my cards with you today.

Card No. 1:  Use the darling elephant card from their daily details sheet and some of my favorite bright prints from the collection.  For a finishing touch I added little cross-stitched red X's with some embroidery floss.

Card No. 2:  This is actually the last of 6 cards I created and it was perfect for using up little leftover bits of scraps I had on hand from my other projects.  I wanted to make this a birthday card, but I didn't have enough space or letters for the word "birthday" or "celebrate" so party is was!  ;)

Card No. 3:  My last card uses another card from the daily details sheet for my sentiment.  I took inspiration from the little flower and created a grid design for my background by fussy cutting flowers from a sheet of patterned paper in the collection.  I tried many different colors for my background and they all sort of felt flat until I tried the black--I love how it makes the colors pop!  :)

Well, I have much more to come with a handful of layouts and more cards to share in the coming days.  I challenged myself to stick with one collection and use up as much of it as I could and I gotta say it was a thrilling feeling to use up a small corner of my stash and get so much accomplished in the process!

Supplies Used (available at


  1. Can I just say AWWWW these are so cute?!?!?!!!! Love the little cross-stitched x's on the first card and the double layer pennant on the second card is so cool!! The third card id just so "blooming" fantastic - every one of these super cute and cool cards are sure to make someone smile!!!! Way to go - you rocked this collection!!!

  2. OOooHh these are lovely!!! I really love that last one.. that black paper really brings those flowers to life! So colorful!!!
