Monday, February 25, 2013

A Kaisercraft Secret Admirer Layout

What better way to celebrate the end of February than to share a sunny layout?!  Hopefully we will be seeing Spring flowers soon because I am sooo ready!   :)

I made this layout in response to a scrapbook challenge at my local Craft Warehouse store.  They provided us with a 12x12 sheet of yellow cardstock (challenging to say the least), a 1/2 sheet of Kaisercraft's Secret Admirer Mystical paper and one doily cardstock cutout (mine was aqua).  I purchased an additional sheet of Secret Admirer Coy paper and then used snippets from a couple other ancient paper lines by Fancy Pants and Little Yellow Bicycle.

I hand cut the largest doily out from the "coy" paper while my daughter was home on a sick day.  She was insisting that I stay in bed with her so I had some time to do some serious fussy cutting.  LOL! 

My layout design was "inspired" by a sketch over at Page Maps by Becky Fleck.  My two bookplates were cut from grungeboard (remember that stuff?) and matching patterned paper using some Red Sizzix Original dies. My yellow cardstock was stamped with a polka-dot background stamp by Hero Arts and then distressed with pink chalk ink to tone down the yellow glow.  ;)

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Hope you have a fun weekend!  :)


  1. HI Mendi!
    My oh My! This lay-out is absolutely stunning and your attention to details is exquisite!


  2. This is just the patterned paper doilies (don't know why I never thought of using PP with my doily die-cuts?). Also (of course!) love those beautiful, bright colors!!
